男生祝福语 Words for Boys


Parent’s love, with you always!


Parent’s love, with you always!

3.  博学多才,香飘四海

Very knowledgeable and famous for achievement!

4.  天天开心,事事顺心

Happy everyday! Everything is under your control!

5.  一生健康,快乐平安

Healthy, happy and safe in whole life!

6.  锦绣前程,梦想成真

A good future ahead, dreams will come true!

7.  天赐宝宝,吉祥如意

Baby is gifted and future is blessed!

8. 品学双优,德才兼备

Top student with integrity and good characters!

9. 出类拔萃,超群绝伦

Top,outstanding talent!

10. 擎天之柱,栋梁之材

To be key man in the future, just like beams to support a building!

11. 鹏程万里,智勇双全

High flying and smooth future, very brilliant, decisive and brave!

12. 挥洒人生,前程似锦

To get dream career and prosperous future!

13. 天赐石麟,德门生辉

The baby boy is gifted and adds glory to family fame!

14. 风神俊雅,德才兼备

Very handsome, good characters and talented!

15. 广阔天地,任你翱翔

Will create success of his own, lead the life he wants!

16. 虚怀若谷,光明磊落

Modest, honest and responsible!

17. 乳发制笔,锦绣前程

With baby hair brush, prosperous future is coming!

18. 健康快乐,幸福平安

Healthy, happy, joy and safe!

19. 乳笔相伴,才智相随

With baby hair brush, talent and wisdom with him together!

20. 一帆风顺,前程似锦

Smooth and prosperous future ahead!

21. 鹤立鸡群,器宇轩昂

Outstanding, impressive just like a phoenix in a group of chickens!

22. 乌毫作笔,描绘前程

By converting baby hair to brush, prosperous future is outlined!

23. 俊逸潇洒,儒雅博学

Handsome, charming and knowledgeable!

24. 海纳百川,有容乃大

Be patient and inclusive! Like oceans!

25. 学识渊博,才思敏捷

Versatile,brilliant and decisive!

26. 一笔亲情,一生相随

Parent’s love, with you always!

27. 授之父母,制笔铭心

Where are you from and who bring you up? Remember parent’s love!

28. 言必信,行必果

Credible and action-orientated!

29. 满招损,谦受益

Modest, not over proud!


Humble, kind, respect, frugal and polite!


Kind, integrity, polite, intelligent and credible!


Healthy, happy and safe!

33.自立 ,自信,自强

Self independent, self esteem and self motivated!


Set up high target to conquer!


Talented top students! Future scholar!


Where is deepest love? Look at baby hair brush!


Healthy and happy along the time!


Baby hair brush is precious, but parent’s love is priceless!


Baby hair brush makes us reflect parents’ love! Be filial!

女生祝福语 Words for Girls


Parent’s love, with you always!


Parent’s love, with you always!


Intelligent, attractive and beautiful like orchid.


Healthy and happy, future is blessed!


High-flying career and smooth future!


Cherish life, joy and safe!


Wise, elegant and talented, outstanding girl!


Smooth and prosperous future ahead!


To get dream career and prosperous future!

10. 一生健康,快乐平安

Healthy, happy and safe in whole life!

11. 健康平安,兰馨慧质

Healthy and safe, attractive and intelligent like orchid!

12. 风姿卓绝,学识过人

Very pretty, attractive and wealthy in knowledge.

13. 月殿嫦娥,瑶池仙女

Look like beautiful fairies ..

14. 天天开心,事事顺心

Happy everyday! Everything is under your control!

15. 气质高雅,冰雪聪明

Elegant, charming as well as brilliant!

16. 天赐宝宝,吉祥如意

Baby is gifted, future is blessed!

17. 品学双优,德才兼备

Top student with integrity and good characters!

18. 授之父母,制笔铭心

Remember parent’s love in the future!

19. 乳笔相伴,才智相随

With baby’s hair brush, talent and wisdom with her together!

20. 聪颖秀丽,锦绣前程

Attractive and beautiful, a good future ahead!

21. 乌毫做笔,描绘前程

By converting hair to brush, prosperous future is outlined!

22. 锦绣前程,梦想成真

Have a good future ahead, dreams will come true..

23. 温良恭俭让

Humble, kind, respect, frugal and polite!

24. 仁义礼智信

Kind, integrity, polite, intelligent and credible!

25. 健康,快乐,平安

Healthy, happy and safe!

26. 自立 ,自信,自强

Self independent, self esteem and self motivated!

27. 满招损,谦受益

Modest, not over proud!

28. 书精彩文章,写美好人生

Leading her own life just like drawing a painting herself!

29. 深情何处觅,情系胎毛笔

Where is deepest love? Look at baby hair brush!

30. 健康常相伴,快乐永相随

Healthy and happy along the time!

31. 百岁胎毫珍,千秋父母情

Baby hair brush is precious, but parent’s love is priceless!

32. 胎发制成笔,永记父母恩

Baby hair brush makes us reflect parents’ love! Be filial!